Thanks, Kimm. That was........refreshing.
That's it! I was
just about to say it that way......
Yeah...must'a been..some sorta.. keyboard malfunction at the time.
Yes! The Mahn/Ostrotkiewicz '12 ticket will be the awesomest!
No new taxes! In fact, NO taxes after I enforce the
Fair Tax and curtail the power over the people from Congress.
MY America is
"Of the People. For the People. By the People."It's time we stop the rich elite from running the lives of the people and have a people's man in charge for a change.
Number one: Immediately after the swearing in ceremony. I want Ramos and Campean in my office within 24 hours. Full pardons - and a new job as my personal secret servicemen.
They knew what they were doing and how to do it.
Number two.
Cease all federal funding on global warming - effective immediately!
Move all temperature sensor locations AWAY from A/C exhaust ports and black top parking surfaces.
CAIR will be exiled from the U.S. - followed directly by the U.N.
Murtha will be tried for Treason and disbarred.
Our next act will be to eliminate the corrupt Senator - Hillary Clinton - from her post and let her fade into history's forgotten realm.
Five: Congress will write me a personal check for the border fence at Mexico (I will also stage a 'build a fake fence and hire Mexican-US citizens to make a fake "U.S. Border Patrol Shooting Illegals As They Climb Over The Fence" video and have it "leak" to the Mexican side - i.e. - a tape showing BPs shooting illegals as they try to jump over as a deterrent.
Six: All troopers are immediately to camp out at Home Depot, Lowe's, Menard's, etc to pick up 'Day Workers'.
I don't want them pulling over speeders.
I don't want them issuing parking tickets.
I don't even want them to respond to a bank robbery.
For 1 year, straight, their only job is illegal rounding - by Executive Order.
--Now, there are some that say, "OH, but they're only here to work and provide for their family..." [and send $1 trillion U.S. dollars into Mexico every year........RECESSION,, ANYONE??!!)*
Let me set the record straight:
The government runs on a finite amount of money (aside from pork barrel/earmark corruption).
For every illegal, there is one less tax payer in the system
That, in turn, raises the taxes of everyone else who IS paying taxes. (which is a good point for the fair tax - if you read it.)
I'll get into this later, or, perhaps in a different medium.
Seven: Toilet paper will be tax free, as it's a necessity!
So will 'Drain-O', since you buy it, essentially, to throw it away.
Eight: The Gaza Strip.....Stop fighting or you'll have nothing to fight over!!!!
I'll level it and make it the world's largest parking lot!
Nine: Iran. The 51rst state of the U.S. if they don't shape up (although, Canada could also be considered the 51rst state, already. After all, it's America's Hat.) [Alaska is America's ponytail sticking out the back of the Canadian hat.]
{Don't ask about Florida}
(Back in the day countries used to go to war and conquer foreign lands for their own. Currently, the U.S. is the only country that goes in - conquers - and
gives the land back!!Japan.
You don't see the U.K. giving up the Oeno Islands, do you?
Ten: Bring me the head of Fidel Castro - attached to his body or not.
I want new maps to read: 'Cuba: U.S. Territory'
Eleven: People want the military out of Iraq? Fine. I'll send a group of 12 Yoopers over to Afghanistan and they'll find him in a week! (Not putting down the military - just giving the Yoopers a 'Towel Permit')
Twelve: If you're eligible to 'purchase' a hand gun, you are automatically eligible to 'carry' a hand gun -concealed or not.
This does preclude a mental evaluation (i.e. - never been committed/don't look all shaky and bug-eyed while filling out the forms requirement)
Once, every two years, you have to go to a local gun and rod club (where each owner will be accredited as a licensier) to go through a 15 minute 'Safety Test' for $35 and have your CCW stamped or punched (I haven't figured out a good system, yet).
This is getting long for a thread post.
I'll tell you what - I'll post in my blog my full platform and link it in my signature.
That way, you can read it if you want. It not, you're un-American.
From here it's:
It's Mahn/"O S T R O T K I E W I C Z" (Will that fit on a bumper sticker? lol)
Kimm is my cabinet member for American History (if it doesn't exist, I'll appoint a new post!)
I'll need an Attorney General.
Secretary of the Interior.
Secretary of the Exterior.
A kick-butt limo driver.
A ninja body guard.
A Secretary of the Treasury who's not greedy or corrupt.
A different translator for every language to every leader of every country in the world (about 35 people) to 'listen and confirm' during meetings (not to translate - just to say "Yeah. That's what 'his' translator' said/No. He didn't say that...".
...others that I haven't thought of, yet.
OK. The sun is coming up.
Time for bed.
*There is no recession. It's a media fakery meant to sell papers. Just like 'Global Warming'!!